There’s A Happy Medium Between Centralization & Decentralization

One of my main points of advice for higher ed websites is the idea that operationally, a decentralized management approach to the web does not work well. The opposite–centralization–does. But that doesn’t mean some aspects to a decentralized approach can’t or shouldn’t be employed. It just shouldn’t be the foundation for how to manage the global operation of the site. That spells trouble.

So where does decentralization make sense? The obvious answer is content. Higher ed sites are large, if not huge, relative to many websites and the thought of centralizing that amount of content into a few hands doesn’t seem practical. The sheer workload would jeopardize the distribution of time sensitive information. Plus, no content person wants to work in a sweat shop environment were quality takes a backseat to simply getting the work out. And beyond even those practical concerns, will a content person be as passionate about every subject that comes across their desk as the people who live and breathe it?For those reasons, content ought to be unleashed.

This isn’t anything new Mike

OK, so a decentralized content scheme isn’t a new idea, but my point is that simply because it’s smart to decentralize content creation doesn’t mean ALL aspects of the web effort should go along with it. This includes strategy, information architecture, visual design and functionality. There’s no credible reason that I’m aware of that would cause me to believe that every dean, vice chancellor, and director at the university should control how their part of the website works or functions. That’s not to say they shouldn’t be at the table to discuss matters that affect them, but neither should they be allowed to dictate needs on a per site section basis either. This is how workloads get out of hand.

Give me an example

If group A wants to promote news, group B wants to promote events and group C wants to promote both, what happens in a decentralized world? The web team gives each group exactly what they want. But if information architecture is centralized, then you would look at all groups in totality. You would take all wants and needs into consideration en masse. Only then can you create a solution that can be sustained over the long haul in an efficient manner. In our example, you might come to the conclusion that lots of groups across campus will want to promote news and/or events. So instead of building standalone news and event solutions plus one that handles both, you could merge news and events into a single steam called what’s happening. Any group on campus could then tap into this single solution. Group A doesn’t have events? No problem, no events populate their content, but the “what’s happening” label still makes sense. Same goes for group B in reverse.

Technology folks will of course try to build solutions with modularity in mind, but this only goes so far. News and events is an easy example since we all know those ideas will port across many departments. But what about requests that have limited universal appeal or practicality? Do you build it? The answer lies in your overall strategy. 

You may not have a global strategy precisely because of the decentralized environment. But once centralization occurs, that all changes. You should have a basic understanding of what your site is supposed to achieve and for whom. In that light, a request for a specific feature that is only useful to a certain group or for a particular, somewhat rare occasion should be looked at suspiciously. If your site is supposed to communicate with prospective students and entice them to apply, then there may not be a good case, for example, in building a Blackboard login function. I’m not saying Blackboard doesn’t have utility, but not for your prospective student audience nor to achieve your goal to drive applications . The correct answer in this case would be a polite “no.”

Instead, I see many sites, our own included, take on projects to fulfill any and all requests without much critical thought as to their strategic value. So more projects enter the queue, timelines stretch out, both clients and customers get frustrated over the slow progress, staff morale suffers and the website becomes ever more confused. I would imagine that if you looked at your institution’s workload, you’d find a significant amount to be, at best, tangential to your main goals and, at worst, unrelated at all. Kill those projects and focus. Centralize the high level, strategic functions your group provides while you decentralize the ground level content that gives visitors localized flavor.

Marketing ≠ Visitor Experience

I support the centralization of web operations in higher ed. Decentralized website management poses too many problems which centralization can alleviate. But gaining support for it poses problems within a system historically based on a decentralized system. One of those hurdles is the perception that a centralized approach kills the ability to market a school effectively. I say that’s nonsense. Continue reading “Marketing ≠ Visitor Experience”

Review: The eduStyle Guide to Usable Higher-Ed Homepage Design

Over Twitter, Cody Foss requested reviewers for a book about higher ed homepage design titled The eduStyle Guide to Usable Higher-Ed Homepage Design by Stewart Foss, Cody Foss and Andy Foss. I’m all over those kinds of requests and wrote back. Mere minutes later, I had downloaded the PDF and added the review to my long list of to-dos. I didn’t think I’d get to it sooner, but alas, the clouds parted, the gods looked down with smiles and I decimated my to-do list in order to get to it. So let’s get on with it, shall we?

Continue reading “Review: The eduStyle Guide to Usable Higher-Ed Homepage Design”

Lessons Learned: Let There Be Web Divisions

This is the first post in a series about the lessons I’ve learned during my first year as a web geek in higher ed.

In 2007, Jeffrey Zeldman proclaimed, “Let there be web divisions.” I can’t agree with him more. He specifically points out that the web shouldn’t be managed by either marketing or IT because neither group fully has the skill set to produce great web experiences. So guess which department at my university manages the website? Continue reading “Lessons Learned: Let There Be Web Divisions”

4 Steps to Determine the Optimal Page Width for New Sites

A recent problem has prompted me to write about the best way to determine a new site’s width. It may seem like an easy decision to make (it certainly can be), but a few moments of thought may make you reconsider your first choice. There are four steps:

  • Research
  • Information architecture consideration
  • Visual design consideration
  • Final determination

1/ Research

Your first step is homework. You want to find the maximum width your site can be in order to maximize the available space without going so large that you lose significant numbers of your audience due to low resolution monitors. The tightrope walk here begins with your own site’s analytics. If this is a new site where none existed before, skip this step or look at the stats, if possible, of another site with similar audience profiles. You can help inform this information by doing some online research to see what display resolution trends exist. As of this writing, 1024×768 or higher seems a safe bet. Your mileage may vary though depending on any unique audience traits (an intranet site where you know everyone’s exact display equipment).

Once you’ve established your maximum browser resolution, you can shave off some pixels to account for browser chrome- all the window borders, scrollbars, etc. The amount of chrome has dwindled down to zero, horizontally, for some browsers like Safari and Firefox on Mac, but others have not. Test multiple platform and browsers to nail down exactly how much room you need to allow for chrome. On top of browser chrome, you may wish to worry about whether people maximize their browser screens. For people will exceptionally large screens, the answer is likely no. Accommodating for this is impossible on a universal level as it’s different for each person out there, but you can shrink down your max size a bit more for this. How much is up to you.

After all of these variables are accounted for, let’s say you settle on 960 pixels as your optimal maximum horizontal width. Keep in mind that the operative word here is “maximum.” This is the limit you set for yourself. Anything inside of it is fair game. Research is used to help you determine the widest possibility. It says nothing about going smaller, but our next steps do so let’s continue.

2/ Information Architecture

Ideally, by the time you begin your design phase, your information architecture work is solidified. You know the general needs of the site, what the page elements are on all the major page types and the kinds of content your site will need to support. With hope, you’ll also have enough flexibility for the site to grow and support new types of content as they come (you may already have a list of “phase 2” ideas before phase 1 is launched, for example). Your task now is to use this information to inform how wide the site should be in order to accommodate the elements as best as possible.

Let’s say you have, among other page elements, four blocks of information you need to communicate. Since each of those four blocks are equally important, the plan is to show them horizontally across the page next to one another. You now have a math problem on your hands (it’s easy though): 960 pixels ÷ 4 equal blocks = 240 pixels per block. The page can now be divided into 4 equal columns to house the information in a nice, clean manner. You might say you have the basis for a design grid, but not quite. Let’s factor in design considerations next.

3/ Visual Design

Information architecture leads us to a four column structure, but from a design perspective, we may consider it too limiting. There may be pages that need smaller columns widths to house information (maybe a page with thumbnails images, for instance). On the flip side, you don’t want too many columns either or the grid options become so numerous, the entire purpose is defeated. You ideally want flexibility, but not too much.

Let’s consider a grid composed of 10 equal columns with 9 equal gutters between them. Let’s also say we wish to make our gutters 10 pixels wide for a total gutter width of 90px. Subtract that from the 960 pixel max width we’ve already established and we’re left with 870px. Divide that by 10 and we arrive at a grid with 10 columns each 87 pixels wide with a 10 pixel gutter between each for separation. Our 10/9 grid works well. But we have a problem. 

From our IA exploration, we know a four column grid is best for the elements on the page. Four doesn’t divide evenly into our 10 column grid which poses a design problem for us. Do we have to go back to he drawing board? Not quite.

4/ Final determination

We don’t have to start over, just modify any of the variables so far:

  • We can work out a different solution from an IA perspective that doesn’t depend on the grid to be successful
  • We can choose a different design grid to work within or
  • We need to disprove our research or assumptions about our 960 pixel maximum width

Having just spent a good amount of effort determining our maximum width, we don’t want to revisit it. And let’s say that we’re fully confident that our four block IA solution is the best course of action. That leaves us to find another design grid. So let’s see where that leads us.

We feel a 10 pixel gutter is a solid choice for our needs so we keep that variable intact. We also know that our final grid needs to be divisible by four while still being flexible, but not too flexible. So let’s try an 8 column grid with 7 gutters. The equation will look like this:

(8 columns * 110 pixels each) + (7 gutters * 10 pixels each) = 950px

We notice that as long as the columns and gutters are equal width to one another respectively, there is no acceptable equation where we come out to an even 960 pixels as our research tells us is best. However, since 960 is the MAXIMUM width, we are free to work at any width in between. An eight column grid can be reconfigured by pairing columns together to get a four column structure so our IA needs are met. The 8/7 system, while a bit less flexible than our preferred 10/9 system, still allows many combinations from a design perspective so we determine that it is an acceptable system for design purposes. We could add another pixel to each column for a final width of 958px or one extra pixel to each gutter for a final 957px, but we prefer the roundness of 950 and decide to leave things there.

The 1-to-1 Relationship

Karlyn Morissette once again posts about a great topic for universities: how to solve the problems we all know exist as web people who work in the higher ed space. I agree with her views that we need to brainstorm, promote and implement solutions since we all know very well what the issues are. So, here’s my take on how to affect change through culture. Continue reading “The 1-to-1 Relationship”

CMS- Proprietary or Open Source?

HigherEdWebTech has a series of excellent suggestions in response to Karine Joly’s call for cost saving measures for higher ed websites. One suggestion was to go open source. I think that’s an excellent idea- one grounded on social media principles of harnessing the power of crowds. I imagine many who read that last phrase would nod in agreement. Unfortunately for my school, it seems open source is looked down upon specifically because it’s open source- there is no big company (or small for that matter) behind it. This is all speculation on my part as I’m just a lowly designer who’s not privy to the information, discussions and pressures of those above me who are making these kinds of decisions. Nonetheless, I’ve been in the web world for a long time, worn many hats, worked in diverse environments and have dealt with a wide ranging set of clients. So I feel I can make educated guesses about such things and, let’s face it, I’m not shy about pontificating my views.

Continue reading “CMS- Proprietary or Open Source?”

What Higher Ed Sites Could Learn From Barack Obama

One of the main arguments I hear against my mantra of centrally maintained websites for higher ed is that a decentralized approach allows academic departments the flexibility to market their programs based on their students’ specific characteristics and needs. Academic department’s tell me that their particular students are special and different from all other departments’ students. Therefore, their website has to have a custom design in order to stand out. Continue reading “What Higher Ed Sites Could Learn From Barack Obama”

How To Turn Around A Problematic Site

There’s no shortage of criticism about the University of Denver website. As its web designer, I get grief about it from colleagues, students, parents and friends. Even I think its pretty bad, but the challenge to improve it is enticing. When I accepted my job a year ago, I didn’t fully appreciate how ingrained the status quo was in terms of the existing website. I figured I could ride into town, inject my outsider’s perspective and years of experience and get things turned around. Well, as you might imagine, I was naive. It’s been difficult, time consuming and just plain draining to steer the website toward a new course — one that, to me, is a slam dunk generally speaking. That said, I wanted to outline the steps I saw that needed to be accomplished when I joined the team in order to turn criticism into praise. It’s a short list and could use more detail, but here are the major milestones. Continue reading “How To Turn Around A Problematic Site”