The Step Before Defining A Website’s Goals

“Redesign the (fill in the blank)’s website,” upper management directs you. “No problem,” you obligingly respond, “I’ll get right on it.” But then what? How do you undertake something seemingly innocuous, but in reality big, complex and fraught with politics?

Finding help

You can find lots of advice and information on how to tackle redesign projects already. In fact, you can find information about redesign projects with a higher ed focus. More focused still, you can find information on an individual step, like defining goals, within a higher ed redesign process. But I want to discuss a topic I haven’t seen covered or even brought up: reconciling the goals of a redesign project, say of an academic department, with those of the larger university and the impact of any differences between the two.

An example

A simple example will illustrate this issue. Here at the University of Denver, over a year has been spent redesigning each of the units within our Division of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS). The process is not yet complete since the division houses some two dozen separate schools, departments and institutes. Each unit’s redesign effort is handled like any new project would be with discovery, IA, design, code and testing phases. As you can imagine, this is a whopping amount of work, but mostly unneeded if you ask me. Why? Because the larger goals of the university should inform how each unit’s site looks, acts and works instead of treating each unit’s site as a custom job unrelated to its parent organization.

I’ve already posted about the decentralized nature of the higher ed world which I blame for this state of affairs. I’ve also written about how centralization would be beneficial. This post, then, is an extension of those ideas. Much of the time and effort invested in redesigning any part of a university’s website centers around defining goals and, based on those goals, architecting how the site will be structured, what content will be needed, what visual design would support it and what kind of functionality will need to be programmed. While I champion that kind of rational approach, I champion it in terms of the university’s overall website, not in terms of each individual unit within the larger university’s web presence.

The crux of the problem

The problem for higher ed, as I see it, is treating each unit as a standalone website. Instead, each unit’s goals should be delineated and informed by the university’s overall goals. With this approach, a two dozen website redesign project shrinks into a much more manageable task because the goals are already in place and therefore so are questions of information architecture, content needs, visual design and functionality. Yes, each department will have slight variations on the general themes, but the goals (and consequently, architecture, design and code) should be flexible enough to account for those lower level differences.

Let’s look at another example. When you approach the topic of faculty bio pages on a unit level basis, you’ll get all kinds of differing requests (which you might term requirements, needs and wants, or something similar in your defining goals stage). Some units will want individual pages, while others just want a single page with contact information. Some will want photos, some won’t. Some will want large photos, some small photos. Some will want to list out in HTML format their published papers, books and other such accomplishments while others would rather put that information into a downloadable resume or CV. And the list of differences goes on.

A better approach

If you take a more centralized approach to goal definition, then you’ll note that faculty information is important content to communicate through the website. Once that is established, then you can stipulate a global technique to manage it. You might come to the conclusion from internal input, visitor testing and your own expertise that faculty information should be presented through individual pages with both HTML formatted and downloadable versions (in both Word and PDF formats) of each person’s accomplishments. The bio page will have a single head shot of such and such dimensions placed to the left of text. Copy needs will include contact info, short backgrounder, and links to related classes and degree programs each person is associated with. You can also handle exceptions to the rule in a global fashion. For instance, if a new faculty member is hired, they can have a default photo in place of their actual photo until one is supplied.

If you extrapolate this approach to its logical conclusion, you see that the umbrella website’s goals eclipse any lower level unit’s goals. In my AHSS example, this approach would save months of time as goal defining meetings are streamlined because much of the work has already been done. Goal setting for a lower level unit consists of unique needs and how they will be handled. They do not consist of entertaining permanent exceptions to the rules already laid out. If a unit says we want each bio page to have a blog, multimedia, book excerpts and class assignments, then you’ll either need to rethink how faculty pages are presented for all units or, more likely, you’ll already have a way to handle blogs, multimedia, class assignments, etc. because those sorts of ideas were already brought up in the discussions of universal goals and then refined, in subsequent phases, in universal terms.

Higher Ed Sites Have A Huge Advantage: A Captive Audience

A fundamental tenet of information architecture is the belief that if your site isn’t easy to navigate, doesn’t have great content or simply falls flat compared to a competitor, people will abandon it. While I subscribe to this belief, it does have exceptions and higher ed sites are one of those exceptions. Why? Because higher ed sites have a captive audience. Continue reading “Higher Ed Sites Have A Huge Advantage: A Captive Audience”

Stick To Your Guns

When you talk about a site oriented for prospective students (which is likely your main address), who are your clients? The academic department that has made a request  for added functionality? Or the student life group’s request for an online survey? How about the chancellor’s request to create an updated look for his office’s pages? I say none of the above. The client is the university at large and, more specifically, the web’s governing documents whether you call them your goals, mission, web strategy or all of the above. Any web related request should be compared against these guiding documents. If the request fits the larger strategy, then put it into the queue and get it done. Otherwise, you should respond with a polite “no.” Continue reading “Stick To Your Guns”

Virtues of “The Site”

I began my higher ed career in early 2008. From the outset, colleagues talked about the “core” site and how we would re-design it that year. I had no idea what core site meant so I asked (in my interviews, the term core was not used, just the generic “site”). They told me it was the homepage, the landing pages for each of the global navigation areas, a couple of pages below those landing pages and all the featured news stories (not to be confused with regular news). After a short while, I came to realize that the core site was, essentially, all the pages left over once you took out all of the other sites — the academic departments, administrative departments, athletics, clubs and orgs, etc. The core consisted of maybe three dozen pages, if that. It was those three dozen pages that were to be re-designed by the team during the course of 2008. This struck me as odd given that I came from an agency where a three dozen page site with nearly no functionality would take maybe two months to complete even with other projects on my plate. How could such a small portion of the site take so long to re-design? And, why did the re-design project only include the “core” pages? What about the rest of it? Why did everyone talk about the site as a loose confederation of smaller sites instead of as a comprehensive, cohesive whole? Continue reading “Virtues of “The Site””

Content Management Systems Aren’t Just For Techies

Will your organization install a new content management system soon? Are you a part of the vetting process? I know the developers out there are, but I hope you content/marketing/design/etc. types are too.

Let’s face it, a CMS isn’t much good if its more painful than beneficial. The promises sound great, but the reality may not be realized unless you inject yourself into the process early. But don’t take my word for it, take Jeffery Veen’s advice: get your editorial process worked out before you do anything. Continue reading “Content Management Systems Aren’t Just For Techies”

Link Journalism

The New York Times launched their “extra” version of their website’s homepage yesterday (click on the extra link underneath the NYT name in the header). While I find the execution makes the page even more dense than it, the idea marks one step toward the future of online news. For some time now, the people at Publish2 have promoted the idea of link journalism which they define as “…linking to other reporting on the web to enhance, complement, source, or add more context to a journalist’s original reporting.” This is what the Times has instituted. Continue reading “Link Journalism”

Teens & Email

An article by mStoner says that teen abandonment of email may be a bit of a myth. Citing research (reg. required) from Ball State Center for Media Design and ExactTarget, the article says teens would rather have promotions sent to them via email rather than text message. The lesson to be learned is that higher ed organizations shouldn’t be so quick to abandon email for other communication methods — essentially, every medium has its place.

While I agree with the last sentiment, I think the ideas need further investigation. Many studies show that teens’ email usage is going down. That downward trend and the study by Ball State and ExactTarget seem to be somewhat at odds with each other. But I do think they can be reconciled. Continue reading “Teens & Email”

Communicating With Students Beyond Email

In a discussion today, the issue of students not reading a certain group’s email newsletter came up. The group wanted a more effective way to communicate news since the emails weren’t being read and important information was going unnoticed. Intuition tells me that students today still use email, but more frequently opt for other methods of communication whether it’s text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, IM or any other number of tools at their disposal. Some quick and dirty surveys would verify this one way or another, but others have also come to this realization so I don’t think it’s a big secret. Continue reading “Communicating With Students Beyond Email”

The Case for Centralization

I recently wrote about the perils of decentralizing web operations. In this post, I’ll discuss the advantages of doing just the opposite — centralizing. But before I get into it, let me provide context to the discussion.

I have no issue whatsoever with decentralization in terms of content. What I do have an issue with is decentralizing the management of other aspects of the web effort — strategy, IA, design and code. Decentralizing those aspects result in the pitfalls I outlined in my earlier post. Now there’s always an exception to the rule, but those should be few and far between and that mantra holds true in this case. Continue reading “The Case for Centralization”