
We’ve had a weird first half to the 2024-2025 snow season in Denver. Cumulatively, this season’s 15.7” of snow isn’t far off the recent historical average of 18.6”. Variable differences, right? No biggie. But let’s take a closer look, shall we? Here are the average snowfall amounts, in inches, 1991-2020. September .8 October 3.9 November …

Another Day, Another Rush Anecdote

My go-to band, Rush, is never far from my daily existence. Spotify obviously has me pegged as a fan, Peloton rides will surprise me with a song from their catalogue (more of that please!), they pop up in movie soundtracks, and some lyrics have a knack for being spot on during particular situations. Most recently …


One of Trump’s latest tweets… Kellyanne Conway went to @MeetThePress this morning for an interview with @chucktodd. Dishonest media cut out 9 of her 10 minutes. Terrible! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2017 His conclusion is hypocritical, of course. As a public figure who uses Twitter to communicate with the public, he is …

If Steve Jobs Never Returns…

I know a few Apple haters. You probably do too. They dislike that Apple is “closed,” “elitist,” “think they know best,” or otherwise. I can appreciate those opinions and why they exist. I can also understand the thought that Steve’s recent departure (maybe forever?) is the beginning of the end for Apple. I understand and …